
Good thoughts - they, you know, always come unexpectedly. You ride by bus and... Bang! Brilliant, Watson! And that’s it, you can’t ride by bus anymore, cause you urgently need it. And not in the direction the bus driving you. For example, my colleague asked me to take some pictures of her. Well, wam-bam, we came to the scene. And this scene turned out to be such a picturesque rehearsal facility. In the basement. With carpets. And - suddenly! - with the huge fish on the wall. Moreover, it was made from tissue. And I tiptoed around it, touched it, almost took home. So I left. Going by this damn bus back. Well, you understand, suddenly the thought came - you have to felt a whale out of wool! Urgently! Now! And it should be with the lenght of my height. It turned out, by the way, that, firstly, nobody did this before.

Secondly, the other whales, let’s say, a little strange. So I came home and felted this whale, literally in several days. This is what I need. If you have an idea, you need to embody it straight away. After all, it may turn out into something interesting. And it could change your life. My whale did.
